BIM-centric Project Enables Smarter Design forIntelligent Building

BIM has gradually grown from a new technology unfamiliar to most of Housing Authrority staff, to an essential part of their work.


Hong Kong Housing Authority


Tung Tau Cottage Area East Project

Services Provided

3D Modelling
Clash Analysis



Comprehensive infrastructure for BIM

The Housing Authority is unusual in Hong Kong for having a strong bim strategy, with management ensuring all the necessary infrastructure is in place. This includes a BIM project Steering Commitee for strategic planning, a BIM Working group focusing on specific implementation and technical details, and a BIM service Team that support project teams and nurtures in-house BIM experts.

All the way with BIM

The Housing Authrority’s Feasibility Study Team finds BIM indispensable for potential site assessment and feasibility studies, as well as for visual impact analysis. BIM is especially useful at the scheme design stage, especially for projects with complex site conditions and topography with significant level changes.

BIMplementation rooms and harmonious environments

Forida Limited participated in a recent Housing Authority projects involving successful use of BIM include the Tung Tau Cottage Area East in north Kowloon. This was a pilot project for BIM, which was employed from feasibility studies to the post-completion stage, delivering benefits such as improved efficiency and reduced abortive works, with perhaps eight days less reworking required than if traditional culture of work had been used.


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